Saturday, 12 July 2014

Day 3: Cappuccino Cup Collage

I decided to mix it up and collage today. I drew an outline of a cup and grabbed some magazines. I had two hours to play with ... and spent nearly half of that time being waylaid by interesting articles, colour ways and looking for matching tones. With just under an hour to go I had only got this far:

Clearly I need to get some focus on the task in hand. I decided to select one magazine from the pile and put the others aside. I was determined to find all the pieces I needed in the one book. Drastic measure ... but it paid off. One hour later, I had all my pieces and was gluing the last snippet for the collage in place. 

All done!

Medium: Magazine Paper Collage on Mixed Media Paper
Time to Complete: 2 hours 15 mins
(includes perusing time)

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