Saturday, 30 August 2014

Day 51: Cafe Chair

The table beside me in the cafe today sat empty and forlorn. I waited for someone to come and occupy it so I could sketch a little but it remained abandoned.

I wondered if people sensed the vibe of an anxious person waiting in the shadows of the table next door to capture their lines on paper and so chose to sit elsewhere. Probably not. I am being fanciful.

It was a wet, dank day and the cafe was mostly empty. As my mother would say "it was a good day if you were a duck".

This drawing marks day 51 of the project ... I am over the half way mark. It feels good to have got this far. It though I might be at a point where finding something to draw or paint would be a chore, but to date it hasn't been. May the muse continue.

Medium: Graphite pencil on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: approx 15 minutes

Day 50: Jug with Lemons

To be honest, I am not sure if I have ever liked this jug. It was given to me many years ago as a farewell gift and it mostly sits in the back of a cupboard. It is an unusual shade of pinky white and quite heavy.

The reason it has not been culled is that it is a great jug for making sangria in. It seems to keep fluids cold for a long time and that is an important requirement in the heat of February.

Still, I wish it didn't have that pink hue. I couldn't get as excited about painting it as I did the lemons and it shows in the work.

Medium: Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Hahnemuhle Watercolour paper
Time to complete: 40 minutes

Day 49: An Empty Salt Shaker

There is a pixie in our house that insists on emptying the salt shaker. Occasionally, when I go to use it there is not salt inside it and no one in the house either used it last or emptied it ... so there has to be a mischievous salt pixie living in our pantry.

I have encountered other mysterious things in our house ... but the culprit can usually be identified. This is not the case with the elusive salt pixie. He or she is as cunning as a fox.

I have filled the shaker and it sits now idly in the pantry waiting. The salt pixie will pick their time carefully.

Medium: Graphite pencil on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: approx 20 minutes

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Day 48: Winter Pear

This pear was delicious. I know because after I drew it; I ate it. That is the fate of my piece of fruit at afternoon tea time.

The drawing was done with few quick strokes as I wanted to capture the shape of it. The weather had been dull today and so I splashed watercolours on it to brighten things up a little.

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen drawing with Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Watercolour paper
Time to complete: approx 20 minutes

Day 47: Cafe View

I sometimes meet a friend in Browns Bay and we usually go to a local cafe on the waterfront and have a coffee and a chat either outside or, if it is warm and dry enough, inside by the window. The view from the cafe out over the harbour to Rangitoto Island is to die for.

The view is constantly changing. Depending on the day, the wind is either a gentle or harsh master of the environment. The winds and clouds are either being whipped along or gently roll on. People and boats inhabit the scene, moving in intricate patterns on the sea, sand and foreshore. I never get tired of watching the view. I find it soothing.

The zentangle view:

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: 20 minutes

Monday, 25 August 2014

Day 46: Blue Vase with Lemon

I was looking for something and pulled china out of the kitchen cupboards in order to have a better search in the back of them. In the process, I unearthed this vase and decided to paint it. I placed it on a scrunched up linen tea towel, angling the vase to catch the sun through the window, and added the lemon as a counterpoint.

The friend who gave me the vase now lives overseas but we still catch up on Skype from time to time. Finding the vase reminded me of all the fun times we have had together over the years. Good times.

The problem with working in pastel is that the pastel dust gets everywhere. When I stopped to refresh my tea, I realised that the cup handle was covered in multi coloured finger prints.

I didn't find the platter I was originally looking for. It has to be stored in the kitchen somewhere. I will have to search for it another day as painting the vase has waylaid me and I am out of searching time.

Medium: Rembrandt Pastels on Canson Mi-teinte paper
Time to complete: 1 hours and 45 minutes

Day 45: Early Morning Coffee

It was a dull overcast morning but it held the promise of a cool blue sky day. From my view on the deck, the cloud cover was spread thickly like butter to the horizon. The sun was going to have to work to break through it.

This exercise was based on working with a cool tonal palette and pushing the colour mix. The cool blue morning light was a perfect starting point. I enjoyed working on this piece as adjusting the tonal palette forces you to think.

Medium: Golden Acrylic paint on Frederix Artist Canvas
Time to complete: 2 hours and 15 minutes

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Day 44: The French Press

The French Press sits in the cupboard and is rarely used these days. It has been replaced by a Nespresso machine that hisses and gurgles, shushes and spits, and makes good coffee.

I thought I might make an old fashioned French Pressed coffee and sit on the deck in the sun and read the paper. A summer habit of old. Unfortunately, I realised we did not have any ground coffee in the house. The option for today was Plan B - Nespresso coffee.

As I had already boiled some water, I put it into the French Press and tried to capture on paper that moment when the plunger reaches the bottom of the pot and the water swirls and bubbles bringing the rich coffee flavour into the water.

Medium: Graphite pencil on Sketchbook paper.
Time to complete: approx 20 minutes

Day 43: Cafe Cup

The sun is shining and I am standing on the deck soaking up its warmth and listening to the sound of singing birds and the whisper of a gently breeze. In my little corner, and away from the nip of the breeze, it almost feels like a summers day.

Yesterday, I spied imported strawberries in the fruit shop. I didn't buy them as I did not want to be disappointed to find that they did not have the sweet sunny taste of summer.

Spring's colours are pushing through winter's wardrobe. The sun has a warmer light. The trees are budding. The daffodils are flowering ... and those singing birds are courting.

Medium: Golden Acrylic paint on Fredrix Artist Canvas
Time to complete: 2 hours and 10 minutes

Day 42: Coffee and Cake

I ordered the seed cake and a cappuccino. The cake was placed on a lovely old china plate which was painted with little flowers and had a delicate frilled edge. The coffee was delivered in a take out cup ... and it wasn't a cappuccino.

Returning it to the counter, the cashier apologised and advised that my order had been confused with someone else's and they had already left the shop.

I wondered if mu coffee order had been made in a china coffee cup and did they take it away with them?

Medium: Graphite pencil on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: approx 15 minutes

Friday, 22 August 2014

Day 41: A Vase of Orchids

Earlier this month, Alison gave me a lovely bunch of flowers. Over the last three weeks, the flowers have faded and died until all that I have left is some stems of pink orchids.

I decided to use these lovely blooms as a central point in my piece today ... which I needed to complete in under 45 minutes.

It is a quick study and I quickly jotted down the paint. However, it is amazing what you can achieve when you don't have a lot of time to think about it.

Medium: Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Watercolour paper
Time to complete: 40 minutes

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Day 40: Still Life of the Kitchen Bench

It was a rainy and cold afternoon with blustery winds and I did not feel like doing anything much at all. Venturing out doors was definitely not happening, and I was so glad that I had taken the dog for a long walk earlier in the morning before the rain arrived.

Despite my lethargy, the 100 Days Project challenge beckoned. I surveyed the kitchen bench and choose a scene of ready placed objects that formed a likely grouping and advised everyone that, until I finished the drawing, the jug and fruit bowl were out of bounds.

The lack of access to the jug in particular raised a couple of concerns from the other occupants of the house ... but I turned a deaf ear and drew on. As I had a reasonable amount of time, I used a large piece of paper. There is a satisfaction in working big.

Medium: Vine Charcoal on 150gsm paper (Size 594 x 420)
Time to complete: 1 hour 15 minutes

Monday, 18 August 2014

Day 39: Hot Chocolate

A quick drawing of my view of my cup of  hot chocolate was not what I was expecting to post today. I had a piece I worked on this morning, but I had an unfortunate accident with it on the way home and I doubt if I can recover it.

It was my fault. I had placed it in the boot of my car on plastic sheets, because it was still wet, and it went flying when I did an emergency stop at the lights. For a fleeting second, as I applied the brakes, I did think 'uh oh' but not braking was not an option. It was either stop or be hit by a guy running a red light. Happily, I missed him. Although  I am still not sure how he avoided the car in front or behind me either, I am very grateful nobody's car was hit and no one got hurt.

So this is my instead of a mixed media drawing for today ...

Medium: Charcoal pencil on Sketchbook paper.
Time to complete: 15 minutes.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Day 38: Coffee Pot with Grapes

I passed a lovely day today with my friends Suzanne and Lynn, both of whom are completing the 100 Days Project. It had been a month since we last met and we had a lot to chat about and catch up on as we worked away on our projects.

We shared ideas and suggestions. We laughed and we smiled. Lunch was a gently meal, finished with a good coffee made by Lynn's husband Mike.

The only unfortunate incident in the day was that Suzanne burnt her thumb on the craft dryer. Cold water and ice helped ... but the burn had lifted the skin. Ouch.

This is the piece I worked on:

Medium: Ink drawing with Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Hahnemuhle Watercolour Paper
Time to complete: 2 hours

Day 37: Sour Cherry Pie

One of my favourite summer fruits is the cherry and I could not resist this slice of sour cherry pie with Greek yoghurt on the side. As soon as I saw that pie, I had to have it.  The pie was delicious, with a tangy sourness that pleases the palate, and I savoured every bite.

Lucky I took a photograph because there was no way this little slice of pie was going to be left to sit while I drew it. Well, at least not in one piece.

Medium: Graphite pencil on Sketchbook paper.
Time to complete: approx 20 minutes

Friday, 15 August 2014

Day 36: Little Blue Teapot

I shared my tea time today with a friend who only drinks coffee, but she keeps a little blue china teapot for her tea drinking pals like me to use.

Her teabag stash is currently limited to one brand - Yorkshire Tea. A black tea with strong flavours - it is not a tea that I get to drink often.

Interestingly, Yorkshire Gold is mentioned by Nicholas Brody in the TV series 'Homeland'. The English actor Damien Lewis, who played the part of Brody, shared a little bit from his homeland with America in the programme.

Medium: Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Hahnemuhle Watercolour Paper.
Time to complete:  40 minutes

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 35: A Pear and an Apple

My fruit bowl has had its full of pears, apples, mandarins and oranges. It is ready for peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots. Spring has arrived with the promise of summer ... and I am looking forward to the taste of summer in those sweet stone fruits. Not long to go.

In summer's absence,  pears, apples, mandarins and oranges will continue to rule the fruit bowl and I will enjoy winter's bounty.

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: 20 minutes

Day 34: The Cafe Stool

I don't know about you, but I am not a person endowed with height and as a consequence, I avoid high stools in bars, cafes and restaurants at all costs.

There is nothing worse than having to scramble up on one of these tall seats to reach the table top or counter, nor is there anything elegant about having to clamber down off one.

Today all the tables were gone in Smith and Caughey's cafe and after a long glance around the room, this lady braved the high stool and did so with grace.  She had clearly mastered the art.

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen of Sketchbook paper.
Time to complete: 15 minutes

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Day 33: A Play on Plates

Today I got lost in a moment of abstraction on the theme of plates.  I am not exactly happy with the outcome ... but I did enjoy the chance to play with different techniques while completing the work.

I have always found that the most important thing when approaching any form of abstract art is that, as the viewer, you are having a dialogue with the work and that the piece is always telling more than one story. It is up to you to find your story.

Happy story telling ...

Medium: Golden Fluid Acrylics on Display Board.
Time to complete: 3 hours (but not in on sitting)

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Day 32: The Fruit Bowl

One mango and two apples remain in the fruit bowl on the kitchen bench. I was looking for an orange for afternoon tea, but I got there too late. They were all gone. Eaten by others. The mango was not quite ripe, so that left me the choice of an apple or an apple.

I guess it is an apple for afternoon tea.

I chose a challenge card at random today from a pack lent to me by my friend Laurie. The card read: "Paint a piece quickly using a palette knife". I accepted the challenge.

I cannot remember when I last used only a palette knife to paint with. I forgot how it dictates large free movements to lay down the paint.

Medium: Golden Acrylic paint on Fredrix Artist Canvas
Time to complete: 50 minutes

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Day 31: Pipping Hot

It is frustrating when you are in a hurry and make your drink too hot. Although this appears to be a contradiction in terms - after all, one does want their hot drink hot - there is a point at which the drink is too hot to sip safely. Today, I faced this dilemma.

There is an art to cooling a drink ... and judging by today's effort, I have not mastered any of them. I think I tried virtually everything I could think of. I stirred, I swirled, I blew gently across the top. Then impatience got the better of me and I sipped and it was still too hot.

Oh well, back to the cooling off stratagems then ...

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen on Sketchbook paper.
Time to complete: 20 minutes

Day 30: Coffee Time Vista

Today I drunk my coffee from a take out cup on the sidelines of my nephew's soccer game at Rangitoto College.

A keen, cold wind was blowing up the valley and across the playing fields but the rain stayed away. I was glad that I had decided to wear a couple of layers under my coat and the hot coffee kept my hands warm.

There was a line of trees acting as a backdrop to my view of the game. They bobbed and swayed gently in the wind like dancers in a line on a stage, and the grass at their feet undulated like waves on the sea. At one point, the ball flew over the fence and disappeared amongst them, but was later found by a helpful spectator and returned.

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: 30 minutes

Friday, 8 August 2014

Day 29: Paper Moon's Coffee Cup

Today I met family from Wellington who had travelled north to Auckland to visit. We spent a lovely three hours at Paper Moon in Mairangi Bay. The food was good and the conversation round the table was lively and interesting. We had a lovely time catching up on news, sharing stories and we shared lots of laughter.

Time went very fast and before we knew it, it was time to go. As things were due to come to a close, I ordered a coffee and it came hot and luscious to the table.

I took a photo of my empty cup and when I got home attempted a study in watercolours. Another attempt at this media ... and starting to get a feel for it.

Medium: Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Watercolour paper.
Time to complete:  40 minutes.

Day 28: An Apple a Day

Unfortunately, my tea breaks are not all about muffins and cupcakes. Often I choose fruit or yoghurt, especially on a busy day with lots of appointments.

Today I had my break 'on the move' and my snack of choice was a crunchy New Zealand apple. It was fresh, crisp and delicious.

I decided to draw my apple with oil pastels. These are not one of my favourite mediums. In order to get some modelling of the object, you have to layer colours and blend - but today it seemed to work for me.

Here it is dressed in its shiny red coat ...

Medium: Oil Pastels on Sketchbook paper. 
Time to complete: approx 25 minutes.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Day 27: The Last Pour

This is a very quick study on a piece of butter paper I had in my stash of useful paper things. The pile grows and grows and there are treasures in the depths of it. This piece has been used to pick up the left over bits of paint from one or more long forgotten projects and has been sitting waiting for its moment.

The art to managing all the flotsam and jetsam that one collects is to ensure that you regularly use some of it. That, regretfully, is the thing that I am a little remiss about and I aim to do it more.

I did have a cup of tea this afternoon ... but there wasn't any muffin.  I was warm and snug at home on a cold wintry day and not at all in the mood for culinary escapades. I find that for me, cooking and reading are not a good mix. I get engrossed and forget to check the oven.

The old white teapot always dribbles one little drop at the end of a pour. I haven't mastered the knack of avoiding it. It is part of the ritual of tea with this pot. Like an old friend, you know about and overlook the little imperfections. They often become the things that endear them to you.

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen on butter paper (used to mop up paint)
Time to complete: approx 15 minutes

Monday, 4 August 2014

Day 26: A Zebra Striped Teapot

This morning I had tea from my zebra stripey hand thrown teapot. It is one of my favourites. Gifted by a friend on my birthday, it holds a happy two and a bit cups.

I had placed the teapot on my sideboard next to a small vase of wintery buds and it looked like a nice composition, so I decided to draw it.

While walking the dog in the morning, I had found a seagull's feather in Stancich Reserve, which I had put aside as a potential pen. I decided to use it instead of a brush for this piece of work, along with a short stick from the trees at the back of the house and a very small piece of sea sponge, which I had found at Takapuna Beach after a storm in July.

The Toolkit - a feather, a stick and sponge bit

Medium: Indian Ink with natural tools on 150gsm paper
Time to complete: 45 minutes

Day 25: Afternoon Snack

It had been a very busy day and I needed an afternoon snack. I raided the fridge and pantry and gathered cheese, advocado and bread to make an open sandwich and a pear for afters.

I knew I would run out of time this evening, so I decided to draw and colour while eating and drinking.

Apologies for the shine in the was a high gloss card...

Medium: Pen drawing with acrylic washes on a high gloss board
Time to complete: under 20 minutes (and while munching)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Day 24: TeaTime

One of my objectives in this project is to mix it up from time to time and try an approach or style that I haven't done before.  "Do something different or in a way you wouldn't normally do it" - is easy to say.

Today I decided to set myself free and not think too much about where the journey was going. I played with mediums, texture, shapes and paints and the output of my work is:

Medium: Mixed media including Golden Fluid Acrylics on Illustration Board.
Time to complete: 3 hours (in two sessions on same day)

Day 23: Cherry Cupcake Envy

It was definitely somebody's birthday. Everyone who arrived had presents and there were balloons bobbing gently on the table.

The piece de resistance was the birthday cake - or I should say cakes. A group of amazing cupcakes arrived on an extraordinary cupcake holder which displayed each one like a gem in a jewellery store. There were pink ones, red ones, orange ones and caramel ones.

I never got to eat one ... but I wished that I could.

Medium: Magazine Paper Collage on Mixed Media Paper.
Time to complete: 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Day 22: Comfy Chair

I have noticed that a number of cafes that I visit now have casual seating areas with sofas and lounge chairs that are proving very popular with customers.  They provide a lovely seating alternative for a gentle coffee or cup of tea and the perfect space for an informal business meeting.

This gentleman was sitting very comfortably in his chair in a quiet corner with a colleague. From time to time, they would pass a a sheaf of papers between them and occasionally one would lean forward and trace their finger across a page while talking. Both men seemed comfortable in each other's company and, although I have no idea what they were discussing, they appeared to be in agreement on whatever the topic was.

Medium: Stabilo Ink pen on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: approx 15 minutes