Saturday, 30 August 2014

Day 51: Cafe Chair

The table beside me in the cafe today sat empty and forlorn. I waited for someone to come and occupy it so I could sketch a little but it remained abandoned.

I wondered if people sensed the vibe of an anxious person waiting in the shadows of the table next door to capture their lines on paper and so chose to sit elsewhere. Probably not. I am being fanciful.

It was a wet, dank day and the cafe was mostly empty. As my mother would say "it was a good day if you were a duck".

This drawing marks day 51 of the project ... I am over the half way mark. It feels good to have got this far. It though I might be at a point where finding something to draw or paint would be a chore, but to date it hasn't been. May the muse continue.

Medium: Graphite pencil on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: approx 15 minutes

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