Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Day 53: Late Afternoon at Wenderholm

The day before my car battery had gone flat and I was told I needed to take it for a good run to top it up. I set off on a rainy afternoon heading North and stopped when I got to Wenderholm.

Wenderholm is one of my favourite places. It holds happy childhood memories of fun, sun and freedom. I pocketed a muesli bar and a drink and headed to the beach for a quick walk between showers before heading back home.

Sometimes the beauty you see stops you in your tracks. While walking up to the sand dunes towards the beach I had one of those moments. The sand dunes were wet from the rain and the sand shone like spun gold. The reedy grass was swaying in the wind. The sky was so blue it hurt your eyes. The clouds were being painted by the wind in long strands across the sky. I had not reached the sea but I could hear the waves crashing onto the beach. It was jaw dropping fabulous ... and much more interesting to draw and paint than a drink can and a muesli bar.

Interestingly, I had a conversation with a friend earlier in the week about sand dunes and how beautiful they can be.

I drew a couple of fast studies and have attempted to capture the scene on canvas.

Medium: Winsor & Newton Oils on Frederix Artist Canvas
Time to complete:  3 hours

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