Saturday, 6 September 2014

Day 58: Blue Hydrangeas in a Water Glass

I was surprised to see these small hydrangeas in the garden at the back of the house. Spring may have officially started, but usually my hydrangeas do not flower until the end of October. They were almost miniature blooms and they were snuggled at the top of the bush bathed in sunlight.

The weather here this time of year is changeable. In the last week, we have had days were temperatures have sat at 9 degrees Celsius, followed by lovely balmy days of 18 degrees. I knew these little blooms would not survive a cold snap, so I picked them and put them is a glass and sat them on the table so I could draw them while I had afternoon tea.

Having them on the table added a punch of welcome colour and I enjoyed the sight of them so much, I decided to paint them.

Medium: Winsor & Newton Watercolours on Watercolour paper
Time to complete:  40 minutes

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