Saturday, 6 September 2014

Day 57: Dessert Spoon

I understand that ice cream is so irresistible because it has the perfect balance of sugar and fat. Eaten separately, the cream and the sugar would over power my taste buds and I would know they were bad for me ... but together they harmonise and provide a creamy heavenly taste.

This afternoon, I needed ice cream. I know what you are thinking ... I had the conversation with myself about not REALLY needing ice cream, but the argument that a piece of fruit was a good alternative did not convince me and I had the ice cream. Two scoops of ice cream, in fact.

I like to eat ice cream with a particular spoon. It is not as large as a standard dessert spoon or as fat as a teaspoon nor is it as small as a parfait spoon. It is something in between - a perfectly formed ice cream spoon.

Here it is ...

Medium: Pencil on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete:  approx 15 minutes

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