Monday, 8 September 2014

Day 60: Old Kindling Bucket

Sitting at the dinning room table sipping tea, I could see this old bucket against the wall on the back porch. No longer used as a kindling bucket, it has become a receptacle for all sort of miscellaneous objects. Cluttered around it are a pair of old gardening gloves, an old rubber ball in a bowl and a small rusty old iron which is often used as a door stop.

Late last week, I met up with a friend and did an art study in a limited colour palette that really frustrated me so I decided to give the exercise another go using this group as a theme.

I didn't find it as frustrating as I did last time and that is probably because this time I knew I was only able to use 5 shades and approached it from the beginning with that in mind.

Medium: Pastels on recycled Sketchbook paper with blue ground
Time to complete: 40 minutes


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