Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Day 55: Upside Down Mug

The mug had been rinsed and left upside down on the bench at work because the dishwasher was full and there wasn't room for one more piece of anything.

The cups are designed to ensure ease of stacking in large cup drawers under the bench and people often attempt to stack them in the dishwasher in the same way, which can prove disastrous if you don't check before turning it on. There is nothing worse than realising at the end of a dishwasher cycle that half the cups are still dirty inside because they have been stacked one on top of the other. For that reason, there is a large note on the front of the dishwasher which reads: "Mind the Mug" which always confuses the visitors to the floor - but not the locals.

Medium: Pencil drawing on Sketchbook paper
Time to complete: approx 15 minutes

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